my greatest achievement as a student

My biggest achievement is the positive contribution I gave to people in need around my neighborhood, and also the comfort I give to my parents because of my independence, which . As a result of my effort, I was able to graduate debt-free by working during the summer and saving up., I was working part-time at my university with very little financial support from my family, which shifted my focus away from studying. Be concise and to the point with your answer. It is not that I have not to lead bigger teams, I have. This has been my greatest achievement so far, as I was one of eight student nurses to be shortlisted for this award. Making art such as paintings, embroidery, music, etc. Connect the dots. It was worth it, though, as I can now pursue my dreams and goals, 2. Being able to accomplish my goal no matter how many tasks I have to do. Aim for 60-90 seconds or less when answering interview. Here are some others ways they might ask about your achievements: With a little practice and a little pride, youll prove that youre a great candidate by sharing your greatest achievement. Upvote (1) Downvote Reply ( 0) Report. Training for and completing a marathon. At one point I spent a month replacing all the grounds one by one while I still had to work and go to school. You can also use our tools to come up with interesting topics and points to argue in your It was a great experience, and Im very proud of my accomplishments., 13. Let's celebrate nursing success! What is your greatest professional achievement? 7 Sample answers 1211 Words. My greatest achievement was saving time by coming up with efficient methods in my internship. 2. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What is Your Greatest Professional Achievement? (With 10 Sample Choose your greatest achievement that is relevant to the position. I consulted the project manager and the team and understood the details, while examining what to highlight during the presentation. However, if I had to choose one thing, it would be my ability to communicate effectively. Make sure your answer highlights skills relevant to the job by checking the job ad to see what the employer is looking for. Then the following should be of interest to you: Your email address will not be published. A personal accomplishment essay is as simple as that. Every time you score above average, your teacher will remind you that your potential is greater and that you can get higher marks in the following exam. Ive loved my time at school, and was very proud to help the institution that helped me. The team of the talented essay writers has got an excellent essay for you. In my view, my definition of achievement is "reaching to the goals". For 16 months, I often stayed late to make additional sales calls and would go on-site to dormant accounts one to two days per week. I self trained myself through out my early childhood by reading a lot of things like books or websites but the games are were they are at, I have a lot of games were I have to read a lot and also loading screens is how I got to do speed reading, I read every loading screen that comes by on a game but the loading screen doesnt stay for long so I have to read it very fast, thats one of my accomplishments I never thought that I be able to read or even read fast its taking a lot of time but Ill get better, maybe if I be paired with another dyslexic ill be able to beat them at reading or I can be the fastest dyslexic reader ever, I can even read long and confusing words sometimes I cant but sense Im special, When it comes to accomplishments for myself its hard not to think about times where I have accomplished accidently dropping a bell on my head or successfully running straight into a pole. Please do not begin until asked to do so. When we define our actions in relation to a goal or a task. The app is designed to help people with chronic illnesses and make connecting with others who have similar conditions easier. He commended me for being proactive, creative, and a great team player. Describe the situation. Essay on my Achievements | Academic & Extra Curricular Achievements my life as a student is quite correct as "we are all students of life grasshopper". The first step when handling such what is your proudest accomplishment question is to give a good thought about it. That experience was truly memorable, and I am grateful for it., 16. Now Refer UniAcco &Earn 100 With Every Booking! Website is owned and operated by RATATATA LTD, Bulgaria City of Sofia 1000, District of Sofia (capital); Municipality of Sofia, Triaditsa Region 48, Vitosha Blvd., ground floor. Relevancy is key. Without a doubt, my greatest achievement has been completing my undergraduate thesis. Teachers matter more to student achievement than any other aspect of schooling. What is your greatest achievement? How to answer this question I generally used to score the most noteworthy in similar subjects. My greatest achievement in life, which I want to write an essay on, is learning how to accept my failures. __________________ print your name here, The top two things in which I excel most in is academic writing and meaningful volunteer service. My greatest professional achievement was completing my Bachelors degree with a high GPA. Cleary by My greatest achievements. That achievement has made individuals around me glad particularly my folks. Learn, Most interviewees have a good answer for - Why did you apply for this position. What is your greatest failure, and What did you learn from it? - PREP INSTA Organizing a successful charity event. What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment? [3 Proven Answers] - Novorsum But the effort was worth it because being rewarded with the medal was one of the best feelings in the world. I prepared a survey in advance and took my findings back to Advancement, where they prepared a report for the board. 20. My greatest achievement that I feel proud of happened ten years ago. I was recommended for a Google internship after graduating from college. Look for that one achievement in your life and give it your best shot. Accepting Failures - My Greatest Achievement in Life - GradesFixer Heading various departments in your school/college. 'My greatest achievement' examples could include: Giving a great presentation at work. Get your custom essay on,, The Astronomical Achievements of Sir Isaac Newton, Musics Effect on Greatest Achievement as a Student, 60 Years of Independence Indias Achievements. My accomplishments are a key piece of my life and they are the ones I will esteem for eternity. Every one of my accomplishment has implied that I have achieved something. Here is a list of the most common things that include in extracurricular activities: Your greatest achievement in life as a student will not be far from your academic achievements. If you are thinking about how to respond to the question What is your greatest achievement in life as a student? One way to do so is by listing out your extracurricular involvement. So I think I am suitable for the profile of the coach. They will be looking at your response to see if you have the skills and experience necessary to do the job. Greatest Accomplishment Nursing Interview - 5 Best Answers During my time at the University, I also wanted to acquire some job experience so that I may begin working straight away after graduation. If you are such a student, you can use Joan is proud of "Anytime I run into one of my old student who has graduated and working successfully! In fact, I had to take out loans and work part-time jobs throughout school in order to make ends meet. As a Nurse, What Achievement Are You Most Proud Of? My greatest achievement has been volunteering to help a non-profit organization. This is because students are generally only expected to perform well in academics and this means scoring good marks and delivering assignments on time. I had stage fear. 5 Mistakes to Avoid UniAcco Ltd., 66 Prescot St, London. This taught me the importance of time management, establishing good habits, and staying focused on my objectives. 55 Examples of Work Achievements - Simplicable Im always looking for out-of-the-box solutions, and this was the first time I got to do so professionally. After high school I moved to Hawaii to attend college. It wasnt easy to win the medalI had to study hard and practice constantly to hone my skills. I was given a lot of responsibility and learned a lot. For example, perhaps you reduced the budget for a project or made a task more efficient. What makes that particular incident stand out so much is that we finished our project two days before the deadline. Some examples of things that recruiters might be looking for include leadership, problem-solving skills, teamwork, self-starter qualities, etc. How To Answer "What Is Your Greatest Achievement?" (Samples) Free Essay: My Greatest Achievement - 489 Words - StudyMode My second achievement would be professional. ' is one of the most challenging and common questions you can expect during a job interview. My achievements are the best moments in my life. My greatest achievements in school Free Essays | Studymode It was an incredible experience managing and motivating 50 students to put on a fantastic show. The day I received my acceptance letter to the University of Florida was proof of the hard work I had done and that I was going to get where I wanted as long as I keep up my hard work.. Throughout school, I worked in donor relations, soliciting donations for our annual fund. I used to routinely score the best grades in the class every year. Thats why, in this article, you will find 27 carefully curated powerful sample answers for what is your greatest achievement? interview question for freshers! Many friends clicked Like button and posted congratulations on my wall. Besides, I also taught to my students too. It has over 10000 users now.. I have always been passionate about giving back to the community and helping those less fortunate than me. I have 2 achievements, I'm so proud of it. I am also very patient, which is crucial when working with numbers and reconciling accounts. Sydney is known, Miami is the city that everyone sings and raps about, even if it is pricey. The Perfect Formula for Answering "What Is Your Greatest - The Muse Growing up, writing has always been a huge passion of mine and which I have developed and excelled in over the years. 1st Answer Example. In my last job I helped my employer to increase the yearly sales volume by 20%, in two consecutive years. One of my greatest achievements has been Branching Out, an initiative I started up with some friends during my sophomore year of college. While academics is the basic scale of measuring success for students, what they do and learn beyond their textbooks also plays a vital role in forming their personal attributes. 10 Best Sample Answers to "What Is Your Greatest Achievement I would not say it was easy though, I managed to maintain my high GPA while holding a job, participating in sports, and even doing a lot of chores most kids would not even think about doing. I had to prioritize my coursework and studies whilst trying to make a living, so I had to plan accordingly. So, I scheduled a call with each former donor to ask about their individual concerns, and I offered to meet with them for coffee if they lived nearby. This is why you will find many colleges and universities that offer scholarships based on extracurricular achievements/involvement. This is a valid and effective formula to answer the question quickly. Then you have found the right site. While interviewers don't always expect you to draw those connections, it can pay off. Ive replaced fuel pumps and starters, a distributor cap. Growing up unveils me to the reality. taking care of a sick relative and still getting reasonable grades) Sports Achievements (e.g. Special interests such as politics and social activism. This was my first experience of being on my own. Don't use plagiarized sources. I dont take any of my opportunities for granted, and I worked really hard to get here, holding a part-time job at a local restaurant all through college. So, what is it about this sunny city that, Short certificate programmes that pay well are ideal for people who need a quick qualification that can help them get a better job or, Online learning is a convenient and flexible way to improve your knowledge and keep up with the latest trends in your field. Why Sales after BTech? Know, Are you tired of submitting countless applications and not getting any interview calls? However, The amount of examiners were 792 persons. Topic Ideas for Writing the Greatest Accomplishment Essay Educational accomplishment 16 students ordered this very topic and got original papers. But you can one from professional essay writers. Do you value teaching or learning? What Are The Popular Types Of Student Accommodation? If you want to become successful in life, you must help yourself first. Since I studied on 3rd 4th years. When a task is fulfilled and completed efficiently, consider that an achievement is earned. First of all, I graduated from faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University with 2nd class honors (GPAX 3.34). The idea was to create a platform on which EFL students could read leveled e-books, take comprehension quizzes, complete activities and track their progress online. I told to my mom first. E1 8NN, A-2401, Marathon Futurex, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013. Academic achievement is the successful completion of a course of study or the attainment of high grades or awards. Get your custom essay from professional writers. My most outstanding achievement is completing my Bachelors degree in 4 years with a 3.8 GPA. Prepare a crisp and impactful answer even before the interview. No matter what your achievements are, its worth reflecting on them, aligning them with the job opportunity, and sharing your story. 101+ Achievements to List On Your Resume [In 2023] - Novorsum Now that was an accomplishment. Your email address will not be published. My greatest achievement is graduating from college with honors while working full-time. "The greatest accomplishment in my career was graduating University as an honors student while still working full time in a related field. I currently enjoy volunteering with Mind in my spare time for their Youth Voice Network. How To Answer "What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment - Zippia It felt great to receive such positive feedback, and it motivated me to work even harder in the future., 25. It is my motivation. Your greatest achievement in life as a student will not be far from your academic achievements. I also tutored and advised younger classmates in English and academic writing. Ombudsman declaration was announced on 7th june 2013. Since our town was where one could see numerous kids utilized in physical work in different families and organizations, the NGO was overburdened with work. "What is your greatest accomplishment?" is one of the most common job interview questions, but particularly for someone fresh out of college or high school it can be daunting to answer. Resilience demonstrated under pressure is perhaps the darker side of achievement, but is in many ways just as important as the more obvious markers of success. I have learned, in any case, to simply adore me for who I am, and to . Best Sample Answers for what is Your Biggest Achievement? - JobsCruze I have 2 achievements, Im so proud of it. I am most proud of my ability to complete essential projects on time and within budget consistently. An achievement is associated with the targeted goals or aims in life, something you aim to accomplish. And to build that trust, one must clear out each and every detail of the deal in advance. Sample answers for what is your greatest professional achievement answer. After two straight days of entering data, I knew I could be more efficient. My financial aid was only half of the cost, and my family could not support me financially. My Greatest Accomplishment I have accomplished many things in my life that I am proud of. "I think my greatest achievement has been managing an e-book database project when I was working for an academic publisher overseas. Even though you may consider your marriage or your spiritual conversion or the birth of a child or something else in your personal life to be your greatest accomplishment in life, that's not what the interviewer is seeking. Anything that includes basic mechanics or electrical will be so easy now. your skills fit the ones they are seeking. Simply mention what the problem was, then discuss what was needed. Your resume should already be chock-full of accomplishments, so see if any pop out as the best of the best. Academic achievement examples. What are Academic Achievement Tests The project helped the company improve efficiency and save money and time while helping me get recognition, learn teamwork skills, and test my abilities., I was asked to lead an important project presentation in the unforeseen absence of my manager, in front of important stakeholders. Having no financial support from my family, I had to work a full-time job while pursuing my university degree. Orders: You can see when they understand what you have been trying so hard to explain. Below the answers you will find some additional notes that should help you compose your own, genuine answer to this question. Your biggest academic achievement may not be enough to pull through a tough job interview or get you a fully-funded scholarship. You dont want to mess up this crucial question, so lets look at some top mistakes to avoid. Your response provides them with insight about your personal and professional achievements, and your ability to establish and achieve goals. So, how do you stand, Whenever an interviewer asks, Are you a team player? there is a lot to answer through your expression and presentation., Your email address will not be published. My achievements as a teacher: 1. 2023, Sonaga Tech Limited. Then I shared it on my Facebook. Here are some techniques to answer questions about your greatest accomplishments: The Balance Start off by telling the interviewer a story. 1. Download. Tell me about your greatest work related accomplishment. - MockQuestions This gave me the inspiration to continue working within the mental health and wellbeing sector as this is where my true passion lies. president of a student organization) Overcoming Adversity (e.g. Why should we hire you? It was hard to work there. Have some troubles with defining and estimating your personal advances? But these kinds of questions can put the candidates in a difficult position, when suddenly asked, often leaving candidates feeling ill-prepared. My greatest achievement was paying for college all by myself. As you prepare to complete your studentship at your college/university and become a part of the real world you will be often asked What is your greatest achievement in life as a student?. Success in teaching for me is seeing students' eyes when they get the "light bulb.". In this case, any company looking to hire someone with time management skills would be unimpressed with your response. Many students rely on a strong application to get accepted into their ideal school. Ive always been good at communication, but its something that Ive consciously worked on honing. My greatest achievement to date has been editing an online newspaper. Learn how to, A few interview questions can be tough to handle. So you need to have a crisp and impactful answer ready even before the interview. The Worlds Top Universities For Computer Science, First Semester Vs Final Semester: Hellos vs Goodbyes. (2021, Jul 06). I founded myself what I want to be. Been my ability to maintain good accounting practices. You may be looking to apply for a scholarship for further education or you may be preparing for a job interview. 3.Respect through dedication in quality of work. An achievement for me goes beyond that idea. Promotions or profits? Understanding why employers ask this question and how to answer it can help you succeed in your next interview. As a result, its helped me immensely in my personal and professional life. The meaning of achievement is obtaining exertion or successful performance. I graduated top of my class and received numerous job interview offers from my choice of companies., How to Start a Cover Letter (Examples Included), How to Write a Resume Profile: Examples & Professional Tips, Functional Resume Template, Examples & Writing Guide. My greatest achievement would have to be when I was elected to lead a community in college. I was responsible for every aspect of the event, from planning to execution. Examples of Personal Achievements that Impress - Glassdoor School Uniforms Improve Student Achievements? Action I worked overtime and found a way to delegate smaller tasks to the other team members by identifying their strengths. Personally, I believe that my most outstanding achievement has been winning a bronze medal in the math challenge. 2021 - Big database of free essay examples for students at all levels. I wasnt awesome with football or cricket, which were the most widely recognized open air games that we played. Retrieved March 5, 2023 , from, Get in touch with our top writers for a non-plagiarized essays written to satisfy your needs. After I tested, I thought I could pass it. Understand the definition of student achievement, explore what the research has to say about this topic, and discover the factors that impact student achievement. Working under pressure never phased me in fact, I often feel more motivated when there is a sense of urgency. First of all, I graduated from faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University with 2nd class honors (GPAX 3.34). Im not sure how I havent messed it all up yet. 2022Adventum Student Living Pvt. Students who find it difficult to write detailed essays. Results: In the end, I graduated with a 3.9 GPA, no student debt, and was able to intern as the universitys social media assistant during my last two semesters. Achievement is not just about the happy, shiny things - it is also about withstanding tough times and challenging situations. My student life has given me many academic achievements that I must be proud of. It was a lot of work, but it felt incredible to be recognized for my efforts., [ Make your Resume Attractive with you Achievements in it, from : How to Smartly Write Achievements in Resume ], 11.

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my greatest achievement as a student